Expectant mothers-to-be, we understand what it’s like to not be able to gather with close family and friends during this lockdown period. We know especially how challenging it has been being pregnant whilst dealing with the mental and emotional toll that last year and this year has brought with it. How? Well for starters I am in the same boat as you – currently in my 23rd week and eager to celebrate with people that I miss dearly. Knowing how long this period of uncertainty may take, I decided to chat with a super woman I very much admire and who happens to be in her last trimester. Not only that but she also happens to be the Founder of her wedding events company, La Fete and Co-founder of the highly popular Digital Murder Mystery virtual experience.
Her name is none other than Charlotte Ricard Quesada or as we like to call her Mrs. Q to the rescue. Mrs. Q recently had her own baby shower hosted by her two best friends and I had the privilege of being invited albeit over Zoom. We’re all understandably dealing with online-fatigue but when it comes to a virtual baby shower how could you not feel a tiny but excited if not very interested in how creative one can get by doing things virtually? We asked Mrs. Q to lend us her expertise so that you can gain a few tips should you be planning to host your own virtual baby shower.
So here it goes…
1. How much time in advance should I prepare for when putting together a baby shower? And what would you consider the ideal amount of time for the shower to run for?
I would recommend planning your shower one month before the baby is due, you never know if the baby may come earlier, and you want to make sure that your last couple of weeks are as peaceful as possible. Since everything is virtual right now, give yourself at least 6-8 weeks before the baby shower date you want to start planning and to send out the e-vites. If you are planning it yourself, you have a thousand and one things to get done for the baby’s arrival so giving yourself time is important. If your besties are planning it for you, it enables them to discuss and research options to make the experience amazing for you! In terms of how long should it run for – keep it 2 hours max, short and sweet!
2. What are some of your recommended tips for a successful virtual baby shower?
Make sure that everyone is aware of the way the shower will proceed, except for the mummy-to-be if it’s a surprise. She can get to enjoy it fully. Some people may not all know each other so allow for an intro of everyone. Plan an entertainment, a magician is a great thing and will captivate everyone! Play some baby shower games, “who’s the baby” with pictures of your guests as babies, “Mummy or Daddy” which is a parent version of Mr&Mrs, and the traditional measure the bump where guests send in their guesses.
3. Can you recommend some suppliers that are still operating during lock-down? I.e. florists, caterers, balloons, invitations?
There are some amazing options for decorating your home for your baby shower! Make sure to reach out to your local suppliers if you know them so that you can support them. These are my personal favourites, and the ones that catered to my own shower:- Florist: Ricky Paul Flowers – he can provide you with a fabulous blue, pink or white bear covered in faux flowers as well as balloons- Balloons: Bubblegum balloons are a must! Have fun and personalise your balloons!- Invitations: In the midst of lockdown, we love to use greenvelope.com – you have so many options!- Cakes: Hummingbird bakery cupcakes are my personal fave…
4. Could you tell us a little about your own baby shower that you experienced a few days ago and what you loved most about it? How did you go about setting everything up?
I was very fortunate that my two best friends stepped in and planned the whole thing! I sent out the e-vites and shared the guest list with them both and let them manage it. It felt so special to have a surprise afternoon planned for me amidst this year. The best part was to see everyone on screen, share the laughs and the moment. My husband set-up the zoom on his phone and via the TV so that we could see everyone really clearly. Make sure to text your IT set-up, it really makes a difference. I also set-up our registry on myregistry.co, which you can add to from any website so that it is all in one place. It makes it super easy for your guests as your address is already entered for them to have it sent directly to you, in time for the shower so that you can open the gifts and enjoy it all together!
5. We loved your baby shower outfit! Can you recommend a few places for maternity occasion-wear?
My outfit was super comfy! Sleeper Atlanta dress in pink Gingham. The comfiest dress for both pregnancy and normal life. Seraphine also offer some beautiful options. Make sure to wear something you are comfortable in and feel really pretty in – you want to make sure it’s a special day.