Nearly every day, I make the short trek from my new California summer residence to my favorite spot for morning latte, catching up on the daily newspapers (WSJ, NY Times and USA Today) and to settle in for the “workday”.
As one of those die-hard entrepreneurs, who loathes the traditional work space and God-forbid “Cubicle Hell,” I’ve always preferred the comfort and camaraderie of the informal and well-appointed (daily papers, fast speed internet, nice background music, a talented barista and congenial help) cafe. While I’m often the anomaly here, speaking on my cell (Bluetooth firmly implanted in my ear) and hosting strategic meetings nearly every hour on the hour with various new and old business colleagues…I am beginning to notice other fellow entrepreneurs here following my lead.

Honestly, how does it get any better than sipping your morning latte while catching up on the world news with good old fashioned newspapers and then lining up calls and meetings in year round 72-75 degree temperatures on an open air porch with your favorite barista 30′ away?!
As a “for instance” of a near daily occurrence of events here…I just got off a call with a Seattle-based professional writer and negotiated her contract to write our travel blogs, villa and resort descriptions and even publish stories on our company’s behalf, took a call from one of the leading luxury “Flash Sale” companies wanting to work with us, answered a follow-up email from the CEO of one of the world’s largest travel aggregators (who met with me here in person only two days ago) and spoke with my business partner who is 3,000 miles away back in our office in New England. It is not yet 10 AM and I now await a team of web designers who are meeting with me to coordinate an update and launch of a half a dozen much needed professional web sites for our growing enterprise.
In the perfect blending of high tech communication and the convivial atmosphere of the open air cafe on the California Coast, business and of course grand!
Serial luxury travel entrepreneur, Peter Burns III, specialises in the establishment and operation of niche market multi-location businesses.
In the past 40 years of business formation and ownership, Peter has started, run, sold, and/or expanded over 100 individual businesses in dozens of fields. He is currently focusing on luxury holiday rentals at Asset Exchange Collection.